WHO are we?
New born space for creative work in performing art. Do your work in STODOLA DROZDOV!
We offer you rehearsing space and small cozy rooms, and also company of kids, dogs and cats in a big house. We live and support living art, trying contribute to community in a small village in the middle of Czech Republic.
WHAT do we offer?
rehearsing space
music studio
forest nearby
fresh air
strong genius loci
since October 2016 till now
Dance classes for adults every monday 6.30. p.m. – 8.p.m.
Two Dance classes for children every thursday 5.p.m. – 7 p.m.
Body and fun for mothers with kids until 4 years every thursday 10:30 – 11:15 a.m.
Solo voice classes
(all classes lead by Katerina Eva Lanci)
January 2017
Bublinek – preparation of experimental theatre for children, voice-dance-storytelling – music composition, 3 days
Laura Hedgerson (GB), Wiliam Valerián (GB/CZ), Cécile da Costa (FR), Katerina Eva Lanci (CZ)
September 2016
Boi – physical performance, fusion of traditional Slovak folk heritage and contemporar movement theatre -residency, 10 days
Cecile da Costa(FR), Martin Talaga (SK), Katarína Kalivodová (SK), Matěj Matějka(PL, Matejka studio), Kateřina Eva Lanči(CZ)
Autumn 2015
literature residency, writing of a novel and a translation work, 3 months
Ivana Myšková, Vratislav Kadlec
HOW to apply
1) If you are in a hurry – CALL us or text us
2) Or send us a request with a date you like to come
- short bio of yours / your company
- some notes about what would you like to do in the residency / anotation of your project
- proposition of what can you teach us (is there possibility of workshop you can offer to us?)
No more than 3 pages of all the text! Go straight to the point! Be simple! Thank you and we are looking forward to hear from you.
We offer our residency and rehearsing space to groups or individuals creative in dance, theatre and performing art.
For the one who needs to work intensively and with concentration to finish, start, or workout their projects.
Residency can be from 3 up to 21 days long.
We expect from you small contribution for accomodation and services.
Let us know to discouss details.
Wooden floor or baletizol
Empty or with few mirrors
Big glass door and windows to the garden
Size: 7 x 7,5 m
Very good heating
sofa and some table etc.
Shower, toilet
Small room for props
Check the photos!
1st – dark blue room – 3 beds
2nd – grass green room – 3 beds
= We have now 6 beds available! (heading for soon)
But there is more space in the rooms for people who are ok to sleep on the floor.(2 more in the space room, 2 more in the collage room – We offer some mattresses).
Big kitchen, two bathrooms and one extra toilet are available in our beautiful house. Also free wifi. Also free marvelous garden.
Important note: There is one dog and four cats living with us in the house and in the garden!!! (+ kids, but we hope there exist no allergy on kids).
Drozdov 158
Czech Republic
Vaclav: 00420 608 204 823
Katerina: 00420 606 810 081
Agata: 777 022 861